Michael Levin

Security Awareness Training Alert: Social Engineering Scams

 Social Engineering Scams One of the most effective and dangerous techniques criminals use to commit their crimes is called social engineering and it’s vitally important that you learn how to recognize this serious threat. Social engineering uses social interaction as the primary means to trick or persuade you to disclose confidential information that can then be… Read more »

Device Management and IOT

Three Recommendations for IoT Security Criminals are now relying increasingly on ways to hack your devices.  Each of us plays a responsible part in ongoing security awareness training and best practices to secure the Internet of Things – IOT. Staying current with the latest scams and sharing this information with your family, friends and co-workers… Read more »

Locking Your Cyber Doors with Password Security

Think about your home security and how you lock your house at night. Many homeowners use three layers of security including a standard lock plus a deadbolt and alarm system to feel safe at night.

What about securing your online accounts? Do you have strong security or are you leaving the doors wide open with weak passwords and security settings? Are you using two-factor authentication whenever possible? Are your “cyber doors” locked or wide open?

The Equifax Security Breach – Now What? Five recommendations to protect yourself!

Equifax, one of the three major U.S. based credit reporting services just announced a major data breach where hackers have stolen sensitive information for 143 million American consumers 1. All consumers and businesses need to take actions to protect themselves. Ways that the Equifax security breach WILL affect you: Personally – Your personal and family’s… Read more »

CFISA Offers New Security Awareness Training Made Simple Course Options

The Center for Information Security Awareness (CFISA), based in Boca Raton, FL, is pleased to announce the launch of several new and updated online cyber security awareness training courses. These new updated security awareness training courses provide 15 separate lessons, which cover key information security issues that can impact the workplace. A full course addressing PCI DSS credit card compliance rules will also be available. Those interested can contact CFISA by filling out a form on their website.

What are you doing to help protect the Critical Infrastructure?

As a citizen in the United States, whether we know it or not we all have a role to play in protecting the critical infrastructure.

We see almost daily in the news that citizens in the U.S. are being targeted in cyber-attacks by terrorist groups, Nation States and organized crime groups.

These groups use cybercrime to advance their goals and victimize U.S. citizens and attack our critical infrastructure. Everyone in the U.S. now has a role to play to protect against cybercrime and identity theft.

Security awareness training alert – Apple Mac computers targeted by new ransomware attack

Frequently when I provide in person security awareness training sessions for CFISA.org, I am asked if Mac Apple computers are safe from computer viruses. My answer is always a strong “NO” but with some explanation.

First off, we know that there are fewer viruses associated to the Apple operating system than with the Windows operating system. However, there are still enough risk to warrant strong security measures for anyone using an Apple Mac.

McAfee Computer Security has estimated that there are approximately 450,000 malicious programs aimed at Macsi. As the Apple Mac user base grows, so does the number of targeted malware versions. Recently, a new form of ransomware targeting Apple Mac devices has been discovered called MacRansom.