Security Training

Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit, many employees are working from home. The need for e-learning and webinar online training has skyrocketed. CFISA is now also providing online webinar security awareness training that will help to reduce the risk while working from home.

CFISA e-learning, webinar and in person security training courses all focus on helping businesses in multiple industries i.e., high-tech, health care, hospitality, financial, energy, telecommunications, along with academia and government agencies teach their employees best security awareness practices to combat the onslaught of cybercrime.

CFISA provides high quality training so you don’t pay for additional services you will not use! 

Our training method blends security best practices and customer-specific security policies with behavioral psychology, compelling storytelling, and rich interactive media. All CFISA e-learning training course are designed to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Section 508.

CFISA lessons address cyber and other security challenges that are relevant to your environment including the risk associated with non-compliance to policies and the insider threat.

Why Train Your Employees?

Even when your IT department has barricaded your cyber back door… Just a simple click on a link, attachment or website by just one employee can open your front door to a catastrophic data breach.

CFISA provides high quality training so you don’t pay for additional services you will not use! 

Hackers are good at their job – they study predictable human behavior. Whether you are a small business or a fortune 100 company, academia or government agency, you need to train your employees on proper cyber and data security behavior. CFISA’s in person Cyber Security Awareness courses are designed to do just that… train your employees on proper cyber and data security behavior.

CFISA Cyber Security Training

Cyber Security Training by CFISA

Security Awareness Training Level I

9 Lessons, 58 total minutes

$ 12.95 per user,

Level I training provides an overview of the risk associated to cybercrime and best practices to protect the business from phishing, email threats and other cybercrimes.

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CFISA Cyber Security Training

Cyber Security Training by CFISA

Security Awareness Training Level II*

15 Lessons, 122 total minutes

$ 12.95 per user,

Level II expands on Level I training and provides employees with a more robust cybersecurity awareness training experience. The added lessons help your organization to reduce risk. (*Certified course by the State of Texas)

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Hipaa Certification by CFISA

HIPAA Compliance Training

8 Lessons, 53 total minutes

$ 12.95 per user,

CFISA’s HIPAA and Cyber Security Employee Training course combines HIPAA compliance lessons and Cyber Security Awareness Training. This powerful training tool not only educates your employees on PHI requirements and stated law, it also expands their knowledge of best practices of how to reduce risk and protect your organization from Cyber threats.

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HIPAA Compliant Training Course

If your organization directly or indirectly handles a patient’s Protected Health Information (PHI), you must train your employees upon hire and annually.

HIPAA law requires employees with access to protected health information to receive training to ensure that they understand the correct privacy and security practices associated to PHI. This includes staff members of any clinical, housekeeping, dietary, clerical, and contract workers. Anyone who has direct or indirect access to patients’ PHI needs HIPAA training.

PCI Compliance Training Courses

If you accept, manage, or transmit Credit Cards and the personal information contained in the card, you need to train your employees upon hire and annually to be PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliant.

CFISA provides high quality training so you don’t pay for additional services you will not use! 

CFISA’s Employee PCI Level I and Level II training courses are designed to help businesses and organizations not only comply with the PCI DSS employee training standards, but when combined with CFISA’s Cyber Security Training, it empowers your employees to protect your organization and customer data.

CFISA PCI Training

PCI DSS Certification by CFISA

PCI DSS Security Training Level I

9 Lessons, 58 total minutes

$ 12.95 per user,

Level I training provides employees with a solid understanding of how to properly protect credit card and personal information. This course also teaches a user about basic safe internet use.

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CFISA PCI Training

PCI DSS Certification by CFISA

PCI DSS Security Training Level II

15 Lessons, 111 total minutes

$ 12.95

Level II PCI-DSS course includes all Level I lessons and extends employees security training on best practices to protect your workplace. Level II also teaches employees about identity fraud and how human behavior is exploited by cybercriminals.

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In Person Cyber Security Training

Michael Levin, the founder of the Center for Information Security Awareness, delivers the training either in person at your site or via the web.

Michael is a former Secret Service Agent and Deputy Director of the National Cyber Security Division of the Department of Homeland Security. After retiring Michael founded CFISA to help businesses and government agencies teach their employees best practices to combat the onslaught of cybercrime.

CFISA Cyber Security Training

Cyber Security Training by CFISA

In Person Security Training

This immersive in person training session at your location provides an excellent way to engage each employee with the need for security diligence by each employee. Michael’s dynamic and interactive style creates a sense of an employee security community that encourages their participation and “buy in” to best practices.

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