Stay secure with online and in-person cyber security training developed by a former Secret Service Agent and Deputy Director of the National Cyber Security Division of the Department of Homeland Security.

The Center for Information Security Awareness (CFISA) provides online employee Cyber Security Awareness Courses including PCI DSS, HIPAA, InfragardAwareness and well as on-line webinars and on-site training.

Mike Levin Secret Service

Michael Levin former Secret Service AgentCEO and Founder Michael Levin is a former Secret Service Agent and Deputy Director of the National Cyber Security Division of the Department of Homeland Security. After retiring, Michael founded CFISA in 2007 to help businesses, academia, and government agencies teach their employees best practices to combat the onslaught of cybercrime.

Michael has created engaging, affordable and compliant training. By personalizing these lessons Michael makes learning easy and effective. CFISA also makes it easy for customers to implement Michael’s courses by allowing them to run the training in their own learning management system (LMS). Alternatively, CFISA will host training for them.

On Site & Webinar Security Awareness Training

Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit, most employees are working from home. The need for webinar online training has skyrocketed. Michael is now providing webinar training that will help to reduce the risk while working from home.

This immersive on site security awareness training session provides an excellent way to engage each employee with the need for security diligence by each employee. Active participation from company leadership in the training presentation will let employees know that the company cares about their security.

After the training, employees will have greater confidence in the company security program and will be encouraged to collaborate and create a better sense of community at work.

Our online learning management system courses PCI-DSS, HIPAA and Cyber Security Awareness Training courses come with 4 quiz questions per lesson. A user must score 100% to advance to the next lesson. All CFISA e-learning training course are designed to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Section 508.

Our InfragardAwareness course has an additional 40 quiz questions. Upon successfully completing all lessons the employee will receive a course certificate. Management and audit reports are easily accessible.

It doesn’t matter how big or small a company is, hackers, want sensitive company information and customer data. Even when the IT department has barricaded the back door… just a simple click on a link, attachment or website by just one employee can open your front door to a catastrophic data breach.

CFISA focuses on training your employees on best practices to avoid a catastrophic data breach.

Partners and Past Clients

infragard  CA seal c Colorado  zillow   farmcreditwest  theY logo  travelport OCCU bclogo color small  Carnegiezipcar  Brethran St Josephbestwest U of M NCDST North-American-Bancard BBG